2Second Class Worksheets
- Counting
- Estimation
Number Properties
2.9Value of Underlined Digit Up to 99
2.10Value of Underlined Digit Up to 1000
2.11Regrouping Tens and Ones II
2.12Convert Numbers to Tens and Ones Up to 1000
2.16Convert from Expanded Form
2.21How to Make a Number - Values Up to 100
2.24Related Addition Equations Up to 10
2.25Related Addition Equations Up to 1000
2.26Related Equations with Sums Up to 1000
2.27Related Equations Up to 10
2.36Related Subtraction Equations Up to 10
2.39Related Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 1000
2.57Ways to Make a Number with Values Up to 100
2.68Solve Inequalities
2.83Even or Odd I
2.12Convert Numbers to Tens and Ones Up to 1000
2.14Adding Tens and Ones
2.17Write Addition Sentences to Describe Pictures
2.18Choose Addition Pictures Up to 10
2.19Addition with Pictures Up to 20
2.20Addition with Pictures Up to 10
2.21How to Make a Number - Values Up to 100
2.23Addition with a Specific Number
2.24Related Addition Equations Up to 10
2.25Related Addition Equations Up to 1000
2.28Addition with a Specific Number Up to 10
2.29Choose Addition Pictures Up to 10
2.31Adding Doubles
2.32Addition with Single Digit Numbers with Sums Up to 20
2.34Balance Addition Equations with Sums Up to 20
2.40Addition with Sum Up to 100
2.41Complete the Equation with Sums Up to 20
2.42Addition Sentences Up to 100
2.43Add Tens
2.44Add a One Digit Number to a Two Digit Number
2.45Add Two Digit Numbers
2.46Add Numbers - Sums Up to 1000
2.47Add Two Numbers Up to 100
2.50Complete the Equation with Sums Up to 100
2.51Balance Addition Equations with Sums Up to 100
2.52Balance Addition Equations with Operands Up to 100
2.69Adding Three or More Numbers
2.70Adding Three or More Numbers with One or Two Digits
2.90Complete the Equation with Sums Up to 1000
2.91Complete the Equation with Numbers Up to 1000
2.92Balance Addition Equations with Sums Up to 1000
2.93Balance Addition Equations with Operands Up to 1000
Mixed Equations
2.26Related Equations with Sums Up to 1000
2.27Related Equations Up to 10
2.66Which Sign Makes the Number Sentence True?
2.68Solve Inequalities
2.71Addition and Subtraction Up to 100
2.72Addition and Subtraction Up to 18
2.75Addition and Subtraction Up to 20
2.76Addition and Subtraction - Balance Equations Up to 100
2.77Addition and Subtraction - Balance Equations Up to 18
2.97Addition and Subtraction - Balance Equations Up to 100
2.35Choose Subtraction Pictures with Numbers Up to 10
2.36Related Subtraction Equations Up to 10
2.37Subtraction with Pictures Up to 10
2.38Balance Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 18
2.39Related Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 1000
2.49Subtraction with Sums Up to 100
2.56Subractions Sentences to Describe Pictures
2.57Ways to Make a Number with Values Up to 100
2.59Subtraction with a Specific Number
2.60Subtracting Doubles
2.61Subtract Two Numbers Up to 18
2.63Subtracting Zero and All
2.64Complete the Subtraction Sentence with Numbers Up to 18
2.65Subtraction Sentences with Numbers Up to 18
2.87Complete the Subtraction Sentence with Sums Up to 100
2.88Balance Subtraction Equations with Sums Up to 100
2.89Balance Subtraction Equations with Operands Up to 100
2.94Complete the Subtraction Sentence
2.95Complete the Subtraction Sentence with Operands Up to 1000
2.96Balance Subtraction Equations with Operands Up to 1000
- Multiplication
2.68Solve Inequalities
2.98Positions - Left, Middle, Right
2.100Positions - 3x3 Grid
2.106Identify Same Shapes
2.107Comparing Objects - Same / Different
2.119Long and Short
2.120Tall and Short
2.126Light and Heavy
2.129Holds More or Less
2.141Venn Diagrams
- Fractions
- Number Patterns
- Positions
2.98Positions - Left, Middle, Right
2.99Positions - Top, Middle, Bottom
2.100Positions - 3x3 Grid
2.101Identify Shapes I
2.102Identify Simple Planar and Solid Shapes
2.103Identify Shapes II
2.104Count Sides and Corners
2.105Compare Sides and Corners
2.106Identify Same Shapes
2.107Comparing Objects - Same / Different
2.108Identify Solid Figures
2.109Relate Planar and Solid Figures
2.110Count Edges
2.111Count Faces
2.112Count Edges, Vertices and Faces
2.113Count Vertices
2.114Compare Sides and Corners
2.115Geometry of Everyday Objects
2.116Perimeter with Unit Squares
2.117Area with Unit Squares
2.100Positions - 3x3 Grid
2.141Venn Diagrams
2.119Long and Short
2.120Tall and Short
2.121Which Metric Unit of Length Is Appropriate?
2.122Metric Units of Length: Using 3 Numbers
2.123Metric Units of Length: 3 Numbers
2.124Metric Units of Length Up to 100
2.125Metric Units of Length
2.126Light and Heavy
2.127Which Metric Unit Is Appropriate?
2.128Compare and Convert Metric Units
2.129Holds More or Less
2.130Reading Clocks
2.131Match Clocks and Time
2.132Compare Clocks
2.133Match Clocks and Time
2.134Match Analog and Digital Clocks
2.138Least Number of Coins
2.139Making Change Up to $5
2.140Making Change Up to $20
The third grade is the start of multiplication, mixed fractions, and more complex number properties. As the math skills start becoming more complicated, students may need some extra help to truly grasp the concepts. Our teachers help fill the gaps in learning and offer their best tips in figuring out
- Students learn about angles, multiplication rules, measurements, and other third-grade math skills.
- On-demand videos for math skills by teachers who specialize in teaching math to younger students.
- Learn and master the fundamentals of algebra to prepare for more complex concepts in the next grade.