8Eighth Class Worksheets
8.1Compound Events: Find the Number of Outcomes
8.2Counting Principle
8.3Probability of Simple Events
8.4Probability of Opposite and Overlapping Events
8.6Probability of Independent and Dependent Events
8.8Factorial Division
8.9Making Predictions
8.10Prediction Problems
8.12Probability Problems
8.13Identify Biased Samples
8.14Identify Representative Samples
8.15Identify Representative, Random, and Biased Samples
8.16Identify Random Samples
8.24Calculate Mode
8.25Calculate Mean, Median, Mode and Range
8.26Calculate Range
8.27Calculate Median
8.28Calculate Mean
8.33Median: Find the Missing Number
8.34Changes in Median
8.35Changes in Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
8.36Changes in Mode
8.37Changes in Range
8.38Changes in Mean
8.266Interpret Histograms
8.8Factorial Division
8.102Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers Up to 20 I
8.109Integer Multiplication and Division Rules
8.110Multiply and Divide Integers
8.123Divide Decimals
8.124Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers
8.129Multi Step Inequalities with Decimals
8.139Divide and Multiply Mixed Numbers
8.142Divide Fractions Up to 1/5, 1/7, 1/9
8.143Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/16, 1/32
8.144Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/32
8.145Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.146Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/16
8.151Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers
8.161Constant of Variation
8.163Find the Constant of Variation
8.164Estimate Using Proportions
8.183Divisibility Rules with Numbers Up to 10,000
8.184Divisibility Rules with Dividend Up to 10,000,000
8.185Divisibility Rules
8.222Divide Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
8.243Find the Proportional Relationship
8.245Find the Proportional Relationship
8.11Experimental Probability
8.74Find Slope from Two Points
8.152Describe Pictures as Ratios
8.153Equivalent Ratios
8.154Equivalent Ratios
8.155Unit Rates
8.156Compare Ratios
8.158Ratios and Proportions
8.159Ratios and Proportions
8.162Solving Proportions
8.166Constant Rate of Change
8.168Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
8.169Estimate Percents of Numbers
8.170Percents of Numbers and Money Amounts
8.171Percents of Numbers
8.172Percent Equations
8.173Percents with Multi-Step Problems
8.174Percent Equations
8.190Percents of Numbers and Money Amounts
8.191Percent Change
8.228Estimate Tips
8.251Find Points on a Function Graph
8.254Proportional Relationships
8.17Choose the Best Graph Type
8.58Translations: Graph the Image
8.60Reflections: Graph the Image
8.62Rotations: Graph the Image
8.67Relative Coordinates
8.70Graph a Line from an Equation
8.88Identify Proportional Relationships
8.130Maps with Decimal Distances
8.166Constant Rate of Change
8.167Find the Constant of Variation Graphs
8.246Graph a Proportional Relationship
8.248Interpret Double Line Graphs
8.249Interpret Bar Graphs
8.250Interpret Line Graphs
8.251Find Points on a Function Graph
8.260Interpret Line Plots
8.261Interpret Line Plots with Numbers Up to 40
8.266Interpret Histograms
8.39Congruent Triangles SSS SAS and ASA
8.40Find Missing Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals
8.41Interior Angles of Polygons
8.43Complementary, Supplementary, Vertical and Adjacent Angles
8.44Find Complementary, Vertical, and Adjacent Angles
8.46Similar and Congruent Figures
8.47Congruent Figures: Side Lengths and Angle Measures
8.48Congruence Statements and Corresponding Parts
8.49Similar Figures Side Lengths and Angle Measures
8.51Similar Figures and Indirect Measurement
8.52Measures of Bisected Lines and Angles
8.53Names and Bases of 3-Dimensional Figures
8.54Nets of 3-Dimensional Figures
8.55Front, Side, and Top View
8.65Dilations: Find the Coordinates
8.79Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersecting
8.80Regular and Irregular Polygons
8.85Types of Triangles
8.86Classify Quadrilateral Shapes
8.87Parts of a Circle
8.91Perimeter with Unit Squares
8.92Area of Rectangles and Parallelograms
8.93Circles: Calculate Area, Radius, Circumference
8.94Volume of Cubes and Rectangular Prisms
8.95Surface Area
8.97Similar Solids
8.98Area with Unit Squares
8.99Quarter Circles
8.100Volume of Pyramids and Cones
8.70Graph a Line from an Equation
8.72Complete a Function Table
8.73Write a Rule for a Function Table
8.74Find Slope from Two Points
8.75Algebra: Linear Function with Intercepts
8.105Add and Subtract Integers
8.106Complete Addition and Subtraction Sentences with Integers
8.107Add and Subtract Integers
8.108Complete Addition and Subtraction Sentences with Integers
8.112Order of Operations
8.157Scale Drawings and Scale Factors
8.160Solving Proportions
8.163Find the Constant of Variation
8.165Rate of Change
8.166Constant Rate of Change
8.177Guess and Check
8.179Distributive Property
8.180Simplify Variable Expressions
8.188Evaluate Variable Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
8.192Evaluate Multi-Variable Expressions
8.194Exponents: Solve for the Variable
8.195Solve Two-Step Linear Equations
8.196Solve One-Step Linear Equations
8.197Solve Multi Step Equations
8.203Exponents with Negative Bases
8.204Exponents with Decimal and Fractional Bases
8.208Evaluate Negative Exponents
8.216Cube Roots of Perfect Cubes
8.218Evaluate Variable Expressions with Squares and Square Roots
8.219Powers of Monomials
8.246Graph a Proportional Relationship
8.251Find Points on a Function Graph
8.252Linear Function with Intercepts
8.253Algebra: Linear Function
8.254Proportional Relationships
8.256Linear Function
8.257Two-Variable Equations
8.273Write Variable Expressions
8.275Write Variable Expressions
8.276Linear Function
8.277Evaluate Variable Expressions with Whole Numbers
8.279Add and Subtract Like Terms
8.281Solve Two-Step Linear Equations
8.282Solve One-Step Linear Equations
8.283Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.284Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.285Model and Solve Equations Using Algebra Tiles
8.286Divide Monomials
8.287Multiply and Divide Monomials
8.288Powers of Monomials
8.289Solve Equations Involving Like Terms
8.290Variable Inequalities
8.291Solutions to Variable Inequalities
8.292Solve One-Step Linear Inequalities
8.293Solve Two-Step Linear Inequalities
8.295Function Tables
- Measurement
8.102Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers Up to 20 I
8.132Add and Subtract Fractions
8.133Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
8.134Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
8.135Add, Subtract Inequalities with Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.136Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers
8.137Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
8.138Multiply Fractions
8.139Divide and Multiply Mixed Numbers
8.140Multiply Mixed Numbers
8.141Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
8.142Divide Fractions Up to 1/5, 1/7, 1/9
8.143Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/16, 1/32
8.144Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/32
8.145Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.146Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Up to 1/16
8.147Estimate Products of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.148Mixed Fraction Equations Up to 10
8.149Mixed Equations with Fractions, Mixed Numbers
8.150Add and Subtract Rational Numbers
8.160Solving Proportions
8.168Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
8.187Multiplicative Inverses
8.188Evaluate Variable Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
8.189Compare Percents to Fractions and Decimals
Number Properties
8.103Prime and Composite Numbers
8.112Order of Operations
8.129Multi Step Inequalities with Decimals
8.135Add, Subtract Inequalities with Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.178Properties of Addition and Multiplication
8.179Distributive Property
8.180Simplify Variable Expressions
8.182Identify Factors
8.183Divisibility Rules with Numbers Up to 10,000
8.184Divisibility Rules with Dividend Up to 10,000,000
8.185Divisibility Rules
8.193Evaluate Exponents
8.198Place Values and Number Sense: Scientific Notation
8.199Convert Scientific Notation
8.200Inequalities with Scientific Notation
8.201Compare Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
8.202Understanding Exponents
8.205Square Roots of Perfect Squares
8.206Estimate Positive and Negative Square Roots
8.209Multiplication with Exponents
8.210Division with Exponents
8.211Multiplication and Division with Exponents
8.212Power Rule
8.213Simplify Expressions Involving Exponents
8.214Positive and Negative Square Roots
8.215Relationship Between Squares and Square Roots
8.216Cube Roots of Perfect Cubes
8.217Estimate Cube Roots
8.218Evaluate Variable Expressions with Squares and Square Roots
8.220Convert Between Standard and Scientific Notation
8.279Add and Subtract Like Terms
8.283Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.284Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.290Variable Inequalities
8.291Solutions to Variable Inequalities
8.292Solve One-Step Linear Inequalities
8.294Solve Equations Involving Squares and Square Roots
- Subtraction
- Addition
Mixed Equations
8.105Add and Subtract Integers
8.106Complete Addition and Subtraction Sentences with Integers
8.107Add and Subtract Integers
8.108Complete Addition and Subtraction Sentences with Integers
8.111Complete the Mixed Equation Sentence
8.112Order of Operations
8.113Evaluate Expressions Involving Integers
8.115Add and Subtract Decimal Numbers
8.116Mixed Equations with Decimals
8.117Add and Subtract Decimals Up to 10
8.118Add and Subtract Decimal Up to 100
8.119Add and Subtract Decimals
8.128Mixed Decimal Equations
8.129Multi Step Inequalities with Decimals
8.131Evaluate Expressions with Decimals
8.134Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
8.135Add, Subtract Inequalities with Fractions and Mixed Numbers
8.148Mixed Fraction Equations Up to 10
8.149Mixed Equations with Fractions, Mixed Numbers
8.150Add and Subtract Rational Numbers
8.160Solving Proportions
8.175Estimate Mixed Equations
8.179Distributive Property
8.180Simplify Variable Expressions
8.192Evaluate Multi-Variable Expressions
8.200Inequalities with Scientific Notation
8.201Compare Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
8.279Add and Subtract Like Terms
8.283Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.284Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.109Integer Multiplication and Division Rules
8.110Multiply and Divide Integers
8.120Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 100
8.129Multi Step Inequalities with Decimals
8.137Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
8.138Multiply Fractions
8.139Divide and Multiply Mixed Numbers
8.140Multiply Mixed Numbers
8.141Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
8.151Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers
8.178Properties of Addition and Multiplication
8.221Multiply Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
8.223Mixed Equations with Money Amounts
8.115Add and Subtract Decimal Numbers
8.116Mixed Equations with Decimals
8.117Add and Subtract Decimals Up to 10
8.118Add and Subtract Decimal Up to 100
8.119Add and Subtract Decimals
8.120Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 100
8.121Multiply Decimals
8.122Multiply Decimals and Whole Numbers
8.123Divide Decimals
8.124Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers
8.128Mixed Decimal Equations
8.129Multi Step Inequalities with Decimals
8.131Evaluate Expressions with Decimals
8.160Solving Proportions
8.164Estimate Using Proportions
8.168Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
8.188Evaluate Variable Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
8.189Compare Percents to Fractions and Decimals
8.200Inequalities with Scientific Notation
8.201Compare Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
- Estimation
- Comparison
8.223Mixed Equations with Money Amounts
8.226Consumer Math: Unit Prices
8.229Find the Number of Each Type of Coin
8.231Simple Interest
8.232Compound Interest
8.233Change in Time Review
8.234Find the Change in Time
8.235Elapsed Time
Number Patterns
8.239Geometric Growth Patterns
8.240Increasing Growth Patterns
8.241Numeric Patterns
The third grade is the start of multiplication, mixed fractions, and more complex number properties. As the math skills start becoming more complicated, students may need some extra help to truly grasp the concepts. Our teachers help fill the gaps in learning and offer their best tips in figuring out
- Students learn about angles, multiplication rules, measurements, and other third-grade math skills.
- On-demand videos for math skills by teachers who specialize in teaching math to younger students.
- Learn and master the fundamentals of algebra to prepare for more complex concepts in the next grade.